The Triton Database paper in Scientific Data


An offshoot of our Neptune Database, the Triton Database, just got published today in Scientific Data. The database focussed on plantonic foraminifera, and is very complete (more than half a million occurrences just for Cenozoic forams!): it not only includes data from NSB but also from the most recent deep sea drilling sites, land sections, and piston cores. It also contains a bunch of new age models for deep sea drilling sites, which were made semi-automatically using GAMs (kudos to the lead author, Isabel Fenton, for that brilliant idea!). The taxonomy has also been updated as it is based on a soon-to-be-published review of Cenozoic planktonic foram taxonomy by some of our co-authors.

Figure from the MS showing the data density in Triton (a) vs the one in Neptune (b). Planktonic foram biogeography in the Plio-Pleistocene is impressively well-resolved in Triton for instance.

Uncharacteristically for a MS I coauthored, most of the work is in front of me as I will be making in the coming months a dedicated page on our website for people to query Triton. I will also start importing back its data into NSB, which will probably take a while as it means creating new structures to accomodate land sections and piston cores, in particular.

Currently the database is accessible on FigShare, and I invite you all to explore it! I will probably post a second blogpost soonish with some examples and whatnots.

Thanks again to Isabel and Adam for inviting us to collaborate with them on that paper!


Fenton I., Woodhouse A., Aze T., Lazarus D., Renaudie J., Dunhill A., Young J., Saupe E. (2021). Triton, a new species-level database of Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal occurrences. Scientific Data.