My Working Group's homepage: the MfN Micropaleontology Lab.
Everything there is to know about IODP Expedition 379 to the Amundsen Sea.
Some colleagues' personal homepage:
- Martin Schobben: geochemist at the University of Utrecht working on marine productivity and nutrient cycling at the Permian/Trias extinction event.
- Melanie Tietje: biologist at Aarhus University working on modelling extinction risk based on a combination of neontological and paleontological data.
- Matthias van Ginneken: cosmochemist at the University of Kent specializing in the study of micrometeorites.
- Neil Brocklehurst: paleobiologist at the University of Oxford specializing on Paleozoic terrestrial vertebrates.
- Volkan Özen: micropaleontologist at the MfN, working with me on our 'Make Our Planet Great Again'-funded project.
- Jakub Witkowski: micropaleontologist at the University of Szczecin working on Paleogene diatom.