2024-02-02Adding a script to run when commiting changes on Git
2023-11-02Experience porting a database from PostgreSQL to SQLite
2023-03-23Measuring areas in R again
2022-02-01Measuring areas in the Southern Ocean with R
2021-10-08Stats in Strat: a first attempt
2021-08-11Our Shiny app displaying Raup's Coiling model
2021-07-01Connecting to PostgreSQL from R, Python and Julia
2021-05-27Shiny app: logarithmic slider and updateSliderInput
2021-05-07Micha and Momo's paper in Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution
2021-03-13Using R code in Julia and Python
2021-01-03Wrap-up on AoC2020 and my conky setup
2020-12-24AoC2020 Days 19 to 24
2020-12-18AoC2020 Days 17 and 18
2020-12-16AoC2020 Days 13 to 16
2020-12-12AoC2020 Days 8 to 12
2020-12-07AoC2020 Days 5 to 7
2020-12-04AoC2020 Days 3-4 and Quinces
2020-12-02AoC2020 Days 1-2 and Buckwheat Pancakes
2020-11-30Advent of Code 2020
2020-11-20A look at the code behing the blog
2020-11-09Calculating paleocoordinates with gplates and R
2020-11-03Addendum to the previous post on paleogeographic maps
2020-10-15First step in mixing gplates and R to make paleogeographic maps
2020-10-05A walk through my beamer theme
2020-09-28Scraping rendered HTML